B. Levinbook & Co. is listed in the highest tiers of the BDicode Quality Rankings for 2018 in several areas of practice, including banking and finance, Insurance, insolvency, commercial litigation, and class actions.
B. Levinbook & Co. is listed in the highest tiers of the Dun's 100 Quality Rankings for 2018 in several areas of practice, including banking and finance, insolvency, commercial litigation, and class actions.

Dun's 100
B. Levinbook & Co. is listed in the highest tiers of the Dun's 100 Quality Rankings for 2017 in several areas of practice, including banking and finance, insolvency, commercial litigation, and class actions.

Ynet, February 27, 2013
"Israel's leading law firms – the 2013 BDI survey answers the question: What are the leading firms in Israel?"
"Banking and finance – among the most notable leading firms: the law firm of B. Levinbook & Co."
"Banking and finance – among the most notable leading firms: the law firm of B. Levinbook & Co."

Globes, "D&B Rankings of Top Law Firms by Areas of Practice"
"The niche firms are beating the big firms: surprisingly, the only one that appears in all three areas of practice is B. Levinbook & Co., an astounding fact when you remember that the only other firm that covers three areas of practice employs 128 lawyers, while Levinbook has just 15."

Chambers and Partners
"Clients trust the lawyers to handle their most high-stakes cases."

Chambers and Partners
"Clients state: 'These extremely professional and ethical lawyers do everything for you.'"

Chambers and Partners
"Highly respected in banking litigation, handling various individual suits and class actions."

Chambers and Partners
"This skilled team is always determined to achieve the best results."

Chambers and Partners
"The team is relatively compact, providing a well-tailored service, and commentators are keen to compliment both partners and associates for their 'devotion to clients' needs – everyone is extremely attentive.'"

Chambers and Partners
"The firm has significant experience in media and insurance litigation."

Chambers and Partners
"The group's work ethic and sensible approach to costs also impress interviewees. As one source said: 'The team keeps its time schedule and tells us the costs upfront.'"

Chambers and Partners
"The team is very careful about conflicts of interest, and if there's the modest chance of one they'll drop the case."

Chambers and Partners
"A renowned authority for banking litigation matters."

D&B, in its first quality rating publication
"The firm specializes in all types of civil and commercial litigation."
"It is the foremost expert in banking law and regularly represents Israel's leading banks, including Bank Leumi, Mercantile Discount Bank, Union Bank of Israel, Discount Bank, Bank Hapoalim and First International Bank. The firm also represents many subsidiaries of these banks in a variety of financial fields."
"It is the foremost expert in banking law and regularly represents Israel's leading banks, including Bank Leumi, Mercantile Discount Bank, Union Bank of Israel, Discount Bank, Bank Hapoalim and First International Bank. The firm also represents many subsidiaries of these banks in a variety of financial fields."